Hi! My name is Will Hartman, and this is my first post. I am an experienced home cook, am spending this summer working in a butcher shop, and have been making food for myself since I was four years old. I’m currently 20, and I’m making this blog so that people don’t feel like they need to spend a million dollars for a good meal. Thanks to modern trends, recreational foodies have put too much stock into the presentation and marketability of food while paying little mind to its functionality. My plan for this blog is to share the food that I make (I’ll still try to make it look pretty) and to offer my opinions on the food that I eat. This blog will be about fundamentals- about people cooking from their heart, for their soul. I couldn’t care less about presentation gimmicks, so if you’re here for that then I can recommend a few Instagram pages, but you aren’t going to find them here. It’s time to get back to what we know. In the culinary world, “simple” does not mean easy to make. Some of the most simple and traditional foods take the most amount of time to master. I think the most important thing about cooking is that what you like to eat should also be what you like to cook, and that every single person has room to improve, myself absolutely included. I like to cook from my heart, not use a recipe book, and make food with passion, rhythm, and solid fundamentals. I don’t have a fancy camera, I don’t have a professional kitchen. I’m just a kid with passion who wants to see other people cook the way that they want to, and not how the food industry tells them to. I am excited to start this and can not wait to get cooking!